Friday, December 5, 2014

What The Teacher REALLY Wants: Holiday Gift Idea

Let me start by saying that this post is not really intended for students or parents.  To be honest, the best gifts I have ever received from a parent was a full page thank you note for believing in their child.  The best student gift was a Play-Doh ornament that a student spent hours making look like the pond cross-section diagram that we studied in class.  I received that ornament 6 years ago and it is hanging near my computer as I type this post.  It is intricately formed and thoughtfully molded.   There is no way that I would have the patience to craft this, and although it has no monetary value, it reminds me that I have chosen a worthy profession.  So, that being said- this post is NOT about gifts from students and parents.  If you stumbled across this post looking for a gift for your child's teacher, buy a Starbuck's gift card.  I'm pretty sure the more coffee I drink the better I teach :)

But seriously, giving a gift that someone treasures is a GREAT feeling.  Don't you just love when you find the perfect way to show someone that you really know them and appreciate them?  I recently stumbled upon The Pampered Teacher and got to thinking about how many boyfriends, husbands, brothers, long-distance friends etc. probably have a teacher in their life who they would love to find the perfect gift for.  If you fall into this category, pay attention!

Here is a sneak peak into my Pampered Teacher December gift box....

When I opened the box, I was greeted with this message...

 I don't want to give away too many details because some of the fun of getting this subscription is the element of surprise!
 I will say, that I felt like it was put together by my best friend.  It is as if each item was thoughtfully picked just for me.  Maybe it was luck or perhaps I'm just your "textbook" work-a-holic teacher, but I have a feeling that I'm not alone.  There are a lot of crazy teachers out there who deserve this kind of pampering!
Favorite item in this month's box?  These ultra-soft, extra long, fingerless gloves.  (Considering the arctic-like temperatures in my classroom I think these are going to get some real mileage both in and out of school.)

So class, let's review...

Your wife lives in her classroom.  Your best friend has a scary collection of multicolored grading pens and your sister in Arizona has a "teacher finger" that signals when she really means business.  Your holiday shopping is now complete... and you're welcome.

Happy Holidays and Happy Teaching...

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